Friday, January 28, 2005

Why I didn't move to Nebraska

The software industry has its problems, but fortunately, it doesn't have this one:

Byproducts from the massive operation resulted in a dung pile measuring 100 feet long, 30 feet high and 50 feet wide that began burning about two months ago and continues to smolder despite Herculean attempts to douse it.

Saya suka makan pedas

I am trying to learn a few Malay phrases to make things more fun while watching the Tour de Langkawi. Based on my experiences riding through parts of Malaysia far from the Tour itself, Malaysians love cyclists this time of year. (It's quite a novel experience to have drivers love you.) This is the Super Bowl of Malaysia, but even more people get to watch it in person and there is no lame halftime show.

Malaysians say the food in Malaysia is even better than what you can get in Singapore. That's hard to believe, but I will consider myself a beneficiary of the competition!

Monday, January 24, 2005

I need EVERY person's help

My new Klein Attitude is pretty cool, but I just found out that I can't ride it until everybody in the whole world reads Chapter 1 of the manual. The manual says so:

Even if you have ridden a bicycle for years, it is important for EVERY person to read Chapter 1 before you ride your new bicycle!

So, please, EVERY person, click here to read Chapter 1 so I can ride my bike again!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Gmail down for six hours +

Gmail has been down for hours now. I'm sure they would point out that it is a free service in beta and so I shouldn't complain. (Though I thought showing me ads was supposed to be why it's free, and the ads don't seem to be being paid with beta currency.) Actually, I'm sure they wouldn't point out anything since they've done nothing to tell us what the problem is or when it might be fixed.

Update: I just got in by going through help.