Craigslist vs. eBay
I must say, Craigslist is more immediately satisfying; you can be rid of your stuff and have actual cash in your hand within hours after posting. Yes, you have to talk on the phone to total strangers and answer E-MAIL MESSAGES IN ALL CAPS, or like this one below, which is reproduced at a fraction of its actual size. (It was really red 24 point type! And he's serious!)
But Craigslist doesn't require lots of nosy information. There is no useless feedback mechanism where everybody lies about how helpful everybody else is for fear of revenge. Sure you get people asking if you'll sell for half the offering price; eBay handles that automatically, but if you just accept it as the price of admission, it's no big deal.
Plus, Craigslist is free for the kind of stuff I'm selling. People think it's non-profit and Craigslist does nothing to refute that idea, but there's nothing wrong with being a for-profit business that provides a useful service. And they now host your pictures!
We had made the following observations after an odd little encounter this past week on Craigslist :-)
I am so Fcking sick of ebay, they keep putting limitations on what I can sell and I am paying those pricks thousands of bucks. Screw eBay, there has to be a better place to sell w/o all the headaches. Is it craigslist?
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