Oral-B bus shelter cameras still not vandalizedor utilized
This is an idea I never would have thought of myself, a true example of creativity in Singapore. As an American, it would never occur to me to put passenger-operated digital cameras in bus shelters all over the city as part of an ad campaign. But in Singapore, these seem to be operative and not vandalized. I can't imagine this working anywhere else except maybe in Japan.
The idea is to get people to smile for the camera, and I guess the results are put in subsequent Oral-B toothbrush ads. Conveniently, the digital camera is surrounded by mirrored surface so you can pose (which is why you can see me taking a picture of the camera), and a USB cable hangs out of the bottom of the shelter so the images can be downloaded once in a while.
There are also footprints on the sidewalk in front of the ad to show bus passengers where to stand while operating the camera. Since bus shelter ads are backlit, I am presuming that the digital camera is somehow wired into the electrical system.
As impressed I am with JCDecaux's street furniture installation and business model, their website leaves a lot to be desired. They have installed high-tech bus shelters financed by advertising all over the world.
Update: I found the website. There are only two shelters with cameras, and one is in my neighborhood. (But the ads appear all over Singapore.) It appears that in the two weeks this has been up, only two people have bothered to take photos at each shelter, and only one at each thought to actually smile in a way that shows teeth. So even though vandalism may not be a problem in Singapore, shyness is.
Wednesday update: Yep, it's been vandalized. Or something. The camera is gone, wires are hanging out the bottom of the display, and the opening for the camera is covered with a metal plate.
Thursday update: The Holland Village camera is back, and I saw some young women posing in front of it.
See also: Photo of workers removing the camera.
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