If MOS Burger didn't exist, it would have to be invented!
Last week, Good Morning Silicon Valley reader Doug Broussard speculated that a Mossberger would be an excellent menu item for a tech-themed cafe.
Since MOS Burger is my favorite fast-food chain, I had to explain that this has already been done:
Well, what do you know. Turns out there is a hamburger chain in Japan where a certain Wall Street Journal tech columnist should be greeted with open arms (see "A quick apology"). Writes Brian Krause, part of Singapore's no doubt vast GMSV constituency: "Mos Burger is already a Japanese fast-food chain. The Unagi Rice Burger (broiled eel between two circular formed patties of just-sticky-enough rice) is my favorite, but people like the Spicy MOS Burger, too, which has jalapenos (and a regular bun). You can also get regular burgers, french fries, onion rings, and Cokes. I think it would be hugely popular in California. For whatever reason, English-speaking Singapore MOS Burger doesn't have a Web site, but if you click on MENU, you can, in a Japanese tradition adapted to the Internet, see photos of the food. Anyway, as the Web site says, "Catch the latest MOS news and charge yourself with joy!"
I guess the Singapore GMSV constituency will be vaster now...
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