Monday, June 20, 2005

"Too focused or localized, even meaningless"

I'm sure it's like when you learn a new word and suddenly it seems everybody uses it. (With the exception of "coup" which inexplicably got a lot of play in the late '80s.) Nobody wants to be a programmer, at least among young graduates making deliberate choices.

Interesting points from the article:

  • The Economic Policy Institute says the U.S. software industry lost 16 percent of its jobs from March 2001 to March 2004
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that more than 7,000 American information technology industry workers were laid off in the first quarter of 2005.
  • Gartner Inc. predicts that up to 15 percent of tech workers will drop out of the profession by 2010.
  • Gartner also forecasts demand for technology developers to shrink by 30 percent.

I still don't understand an economy where everybody is a salesman or consultant.


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