Saturday, July 02, 2005

Remember the Cluetrain Manifesto?

The Cluetrain Manifesto didn't prevent the dot-com crash, and the ticking time bomb of Y2K was defused in time, but it's still a good read. Some highlights:

  • 2. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.
  • 20. Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.
  • 15. In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of business--the sound of mission statements and brochures--will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court. (Do they know this yet in Singapore?)
  • 68 & 69. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around--in the press, at your conferences--what's that got to do with us? Maybe you're impressing your investors. Maybe you're impressing Wall Street. You're not impressing us.

Probably been reading the instructions for the triathlon, where the race is consistently referred to as "the race proceedings."


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